Practical Series Automation Library

Project Documentation Index



This page gives access to all the project documentation, it is split into two sections, the first contains all the individual “Primary” documentation needed by the Project; these are organised by document number and this generally follows the phases of the project.

The second section contains the documents that are associated directly with a software module (generally, software module design specifications and software-Module-Test-specifications), these documents are grouped by type and listed in module number order within the groups.

All documents can be downloaded in either their native formats (generally Microsoft office format — docx, docm xlsx, mpp, vsdx &c.) or as pdf files.

The current revision of each document and its data of publication is also listed.

Short URL links

The links to each document use a shortened URL (this is generated by the PSP alternative website ). These shortened URLs have similar forms: where aaaa is an abbreviation of the document (sds, tp, smds &c.), bbb is optional and identifies a block (e.g. fc01001). the c indicates the type of document:

 d  docm (Word document)

 m  mpp (Microsoft Project document)

 p  pdf (Adobe Pdf document)

 s  scanned and signed pdf (Adobe PDf document signed by the user)

 v  vsdx (Visio document)

 x  xlsx (Excel spreadsheet)

 z  zip (A zipped, compressed collection of documents)


Primary project documents

Doc No. Title Ver. Date Native pdf
PS2001-0-01-001 Project Register N/A Live file icon file icon
PS2001-5-0100-001 Quality Manual (QM) R02.00 2022-05-26 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-0101-001 Quality Plan (QP) R02.00 2022-05-27 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-0111-010 Program Schedule (PS) R02.00 2021-03-07 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-0121-002 Validation Plan (VP) R02.00 2022-05-26 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-0131-003 Test Plan (TP) R02.00 2022-03-15 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-1101-001 User Requirement Specification (URS) R02.00 2022-05-04 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-1111-002 Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) R02.00 2020-11-25 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2101-001 Functional Specification (FS) R02.00 2022-05-01 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2211-001 Hardware Design Specification (HDS) R02.00 2022-05-27 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-222101-001 HW Equipment List R01.00 2021-07-17 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2301-001 Software Module Register (SMR) D0003 Live file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2302-011 Software Control Mechanism (SCM) R02.00 2022-05-24 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2311-001 Software Design Specification (SDS) R02.00 2022-05-22 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2313-011 Style Guide (SG) R02.00 2022-05-26 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2314-012 User Doc Website Design Guide (WDG) Draft N/A
PS2001-5-2319-901 Dot Matrix Generator (DMG) R01.00 2018-11-05 file icon N/A
PS2001-5-232101-501 Block Allocation Schedule R01.00 2020-08-28 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-232111-001 IO Schedule (IO) Draft N/A
PS2001-5-2341-014 ES/WDP Configuration Manual R02.00 2022-05-18 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2412-001 Panel General Arrangements Drawings R01.00 2020-07-03 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-242101-011 Electrical Drawings R01.00 2020-07-15 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-242102-012 Loop Drawings R01.00 2020-07-17 file icon file icon


Software module documents

Software Module Design Specifications (SMDS)

Doc No. Title Ver. Date Native pdf
PS2001-5-2312-DB00801 ConstAiRawData (SMDS) R01.00 2024-05-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-DB00802 ConstAqRawData (SMDS) R01.00 2024-05-17 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-DB00851 ConstAiScaleData (SMDS) R01.00 2024-05-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-DB00852 ConstAqScaleData (SMDS) R01.00 2024-05-17 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc01001 StdSysGlobalData (SMDS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc02001 StdInstAnalogRead (SMDS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc11001 StdDevValveIsol (SMDS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc11011 StdDevValve3Way (SMDS) R01.00 2022-06-11 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc11101 StdDevValveBi (SMDS) R01.00 2023-02-02 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc18001 StdSubInstScaleAI (SMDS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc18002 StdSubInstScaleAQ (SMDS) R01.00 2024-08-30 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc18151 StdSubTimeEventRTC (SMDS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc19511 StdDebugInst1Order (SMDS) R01.00 2023-03-03 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc19512 StdDebugInst2Order (SMDS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2312-fc61000 DocGenExample (SMDS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon

Software Calculation Sheets (CALC)

Doc No. Title Ver. Date Native pdf
PS2001-5-2331-fc19511 1st Order Response (FC19512) R01.00 2023-02-20 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2331-fc19511 1st Order Response (FC19512) signed R01.00 2023-02-20 N/A file icon
PS2001-5-2331-fc19511 1st Order Response Spreadsheet R01.00 2023-02-18 file icon N/A
PS2001-5-2331-fc19512 2nd Order Response (FC19512) R02.00 2022-04-18 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-2331-fc19512 2nd Order Response (FC19512) signed R02.00 2022-04-18 N/A file icon
PS2001-5-2331-fc19512 2nd Order Response Spreadsheet R01.00 2021-10-15 file icon N/A

Software Module Test Specifications (SMTS)

Doc No. Title Ver. Date Native pdf
PS2001-5-4111-fc01001 StdSysGlobalData (SMTS) R02.00 2022-04-10 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc02001 StdInstAnalogRead (SMTS) R03.00 2024-05-15 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc11001 StdDevValveIsol (SMTS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc11011 StdDevValve3Way (SMTS) R01.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc11101 StdDevValveBi (SMTS) R01.00 2023-02-01 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc18001 StdSubScaleAI (SMTS) R03.00 2024-08-27 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc18002 StdSubScaleAQ (SMTS) R01.00 2024-09-03 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc18151 StdSubTimeEventRTC (SMTS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc19511 StdDebugInst1Order (SMTS) R01.00 2023-03-02 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc19512 StdDebugInst2Order (SMTS) R02.00 2022-04-11 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4111-fc61000 DocGenExample (SMTS) R02.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon

Source Code Review (SCR)

Doc No. Title Ver. Date Native pdf
PS2001-5-4171-db00801 ConstAiRawData (SCR) R01.00 2024-04-06 file icon file icon
Validation spread sheet file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc01001 StdSysGlobalData (SCR) R02.00 2022-04-10 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc02001 StdInstAnalogRead (SCR) R02.00 2022-04-12 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc11001 StdDevValveIsol (SCR) R01.00 2022-06-07 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc11011 StdDevValve3Way (SCR) R01.00 2022-04-16 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc11011 StdDevValveBi (SCR) R01.00 2023-02-01 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc18001 StdSubScaleAI (SCR) R02.00 2022-04-11 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc18151 StdSubTimeEventRTC (SCR) R02.00 2022-04-11 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc19511 StdDebugInst1Order (SCR) R01.00 2023-03-02 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc19512 StdDebugInst2Order (SCR) R02.00 2022-04-11 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4171-fc61000 DocGenExample (SCR) R02.00 2022-04-11 file icon file icon

Software Compatibility Verification (SCV)

Doc No. Title Ver. Date Native pdf
PS2001-5-4175-fc11001 StdDevValveIsol (SCV) R01.00 2022-04-12 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4175-fc18001 StdSubScaleAI (SCV) R01.00 2022-04-13 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4175-fc18151 StdSubTimeEventRTC (SCV) R01.00 2022-04-11 file icon file icon
PS2001-5-4175-fc19512 StdDebugInst2Order (SCV) R02.00 2022-04-13 file icon file icon



Software Module Signed Test Packs

Each test pack for a module (module fcxxxxx) contains the following completed documents and files:

  • Any associated and verified calculation sheets (CALC)
    Doc No: PS2001-5-2331-xxx

  • Signed Source Code Review (SCR)
    Doc No: PS2001-5-4171-fcxxxxx

  • Signed Software-Module-Test-Specification (SMTS)
    Doc No: PS2001-5-4111-fcxxxxx

  • Approved Software-Module-Test-Report (SMTR)
    Doc No: PS2001-5-4112-fcxxxxx

  • Test software (zap16 archive)
    File name: PS2001-PAL-<Test Ver>.zap16

Where a module has undergone multiple tests, these are numbered T001, T002, … &c., the highest number being the most resent test. The most current test for any module is shown in black, all previous tests are in blue.

Test No. Block Title Test SW Ver. Test Date Pack
FC01001-T002 StdSysGlobalData
DA0010A-000.801 2022-04-11 file icon
FC01001-T001 StdSysGlobalData
DA0005A-000.801 2021-05-11 file icon
FC02001-T003 StdInstAnalogRead
DA0017A-106. 2024-05-11 file icon
FC02001-T002 StdInstAnalogRead
DA0010A-001.801 2022-04-11 file icon
FC02001-T001 StdInstAnalogRead
DA0006B-000.801 2021-05-26 file icon
FC11001-T002 StdDevValveIsol
DA0010A-000.801 2022-04-11 file icon
FC11001-T001 StdDevValveIsol
DA0008A-000.801 2021-08-23 file icon
FC11011-T001 StdDevValve3Way
DA0014A-000.801 2022-06-11 file icon
FC11101-T001 StdDevValveBi
DA0015A-000.801 2023-02-01 file icon
FC18001-T003 StdSubScaleAI
DA0017A-000.107 2024-08-31 file icon
FC18001-T002 StdSubScaleAI
DA0010A-000.801 2022-04-11 file icon
FC18001-T001 StdSubScaleAI
DA0006A-000.801 2021-02-22 file icon
FC18002-T001 StdSubScaleAQ
DA0017A-000.109 2024-09-03 file icon
FC18151-T002 StdSubTimeEventRTC
DA0010A-000.801 2022-04-11 file icon
FC18151-T001 StdSubTimeEventRTC
DA0002A-000.801 2021-02-19 file icon
FC19511-T001 StdDebugInst1Order
DA0016A-000.801 2022-03-03 file icon
FC19512-T002 StdDebugInst2Order
DA0009A-000.801 2022-04-11 file icon
FC19512-T001 StdDebugInst2Order
DA0009A-000.801 2022-03-04 file icon
FC61000-T002 DocGenExample
DA0010A-000-801 2022-04-11 file icon
FC61000-T001 DocGenExample
DA0002 2021-02-18 file icon


Abb. Meaning Description
SCR Source Code Review A visual inspection of the software to ensure it has been written to the correct standards, uses the correct structures within the software and is generally suitable for deployment.
SMT Software Module Test A full and detailed test of an individual software module in isolation. It tests all branches of the software, all interfaces to the module, any data recorded or stored by the module, all error and exception handling functions and tests all timed and interrupt driven operations.
SCV Software Compatibility Verification A mechanism for verifying that no executable code software changes have been made to a module following changes to comment fields and variable names. Allows typographical errors &c. to be corrected without forcing a full SMT on a module that has not functionally changed.

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