Practical Series Automation Library

A Software Control Mechanism



5Software storage and folder structures

There are several aspects to the PAL storage locations: there are the software files (the modules that form the PAL itself), there are the Git and GitHub repositories that hold those modules within the version control system. There are the Project directories that hold all the project documentation, there is a website that makes the Project documentation and PAL software available to those to whom it is of interest and finally, there is the backup storage locations for all of it.

Broadly, the software and folder structures cover the following:

  1. Project software storage on an Engineering Station

  2. Project document storage and the Project directories

  3. Website folder structure and Web Development Platform

  4. Local (Visual Studio Code) machine repositories

  5. Remote (GitHub) repositories

  6. Cloud based storage (Dropbox)

  7. Network storage and backup facilities

This section covers each of these areas in detail.


An overview of the Project structure

The entire Project structure and all its components is shown in Figure 5.1.

  1. Engineering Stations (ES) for the development of the PAL software

  2. Web Development Platform (WDP) for the configuration of the web sites that accompany the Project

  3. Network accessible storage (NAS) that holds all the Project documentation, drawings, schedules &c.

In addition there are remote, cloud-based storage facilities that hold the version control repositories associated with the project.

There is also “off-site” mirror storage of the NAS and all files and folders therein.

In terms of physical machines, there can be any number of Engineering Stations (ESs), each will have a copy of the PAL software repository. Each engineer working on the PAL software development will have a fully equipped Engineering Station

There can also be any number of Web Development Platforms (WDP) each with a copy of the website repository. In practice there will be a limited number of such machines.

The Project documentation is stored on the NAS drive and is accessible to all Project personnel. There is no special requirement for machines that can access the Project documentation (any standard office machine is suitable).

In addition to the remote repositories, cloud-based synchronisation is carried out between the NAS drive and all master engineering stations and all master web development platforms, this provides up to date repository backups on the NAS drive as well in the remote repositories.

Figure 5.1 - The full project folder structure
Figure 5.1   The full project folder structure

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