Practical Series Automation Library

A Software Control Mechanism



6Glossary and references

The following sections list all the abbreviations used throughout this document and specify all references to other documents.



Abbreviation Description
AMD Advanced Micro Devices, a company that makes computer processors
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
DB Data Block
DR Design Review
ES Engineering Station
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FB Function Block
FC Function
FS Functional Specification
FTP File Transfer Protocol
Git A version control system application
GitHub The online version of Git
HDS Hardware Design Specification
HMI Human Machine Interface
HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language
ID Identifier
IP Internet Protocol
IQ Installation Qualification
JS/JavaScript A web-based scripting language
jQuery A library of JavaScript objects, used in web development
MES Master Engineering Station
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Licence)
MWDP Master Web Development Platform
NAS Network Accessible Storage
OB Organisation Block
OQ Operational qualification
PAL Practical Series Automation Library
PC Personal Computer
PLC Programmable Logic Controller (a Siemens Controller)
PSP Practical Series of Publications
QHD Quad High Definition
QM Quality Manual
QP Quality Plan
RAM Random Access Memory
RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCL Structured Control Language (a PLC programming language)
SCM Software Control Mechanism
SDS Software Design Specification
SHA-1 Software Hash Algorithm 1
SIT Software Integration Test
SITS Software Integration Test Specification
SMT Software Module Test
SMTS Software Module Test specification
SSH Secure Shell, a secure network transfer protocol
TIA Totally Integrated Solutions (a Siemens programming tool)
TOC Table of contents
UT/UDT User Data Type
UG User Guide
URS User requirements specification
VCS Version Control System
VP Validation Plan
WDP Web Development Platform
WinSCP Windows Secure Copy, a file transfer program
XML Extensible Mark-up Language
Zip A file extension for compressed files
Zap16 A file extension for TIA Portal compressed files
Table 6.1   Glossary



The following documents are referenced in this website:

The full list of Project documentation is available here.

Ref Doc No. Title Native pdf
001 PS2001-5-0121-002 Validation Plan (VP) file icon file icon
002 PS2001-5-2101-001 Functional Specification (FS) file icon file icon
003 PS2001-5-2311-001 Software Design Specification (SDS) file icon file icon
004 PS2001-5-2302-011 Software Control Mechanism (SCM) file icon file icon
005 PS2001-0-01-001 Project Document Registry file icon file icon
006 PS2001-5-234101-001 ES/WDP Configuration Manual file icon file icon
Table 6.2   Table of references

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