7Website preliminaries


Well that’s enough of the kid’s stuff — as my old maths teacher used to say:

“cum essem parvulus loquebar ut parvulus…” †1

He sometimes said it in English too (but not that often, I feel he was more at home with the Latin — in his comfort zone I think):

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things” †2

Good old Mr Brown, wonder whatever happened to him?

So, no more pictures of the dogs, this is the serious stuff.

This is the website proper and after a few preliminaries the main part will be the layout of the website, building the grid of columns (described in § 3.3) and making it look the way I want it to.

This will be followed by the fonts, body text, headings and the appearance of the web page content. Then it will be sticky navigation, code fragments, lightbox images, formulae and jQuery.

So the preliminaries:

The first thing is somewhere to keep the website. This will be the folder structure I described in § 4.2. The site will also need at least two files: index.html and style.css to start putting the code and content in.

Next I will use a third party CSS file to set some common properties that standardise the appearance of the website in different browsers (it establishes common margins, line spacing &c.).

Finally, some default properties must be established to set up the basic appearance of the site (font-size, page width, background colours, margins &c.), for this I will use the asterisk (*), html and body selectors described in § 5.6.2.

I will go through these in order in the following sections:

†1 Latin Vulgate Bible (Latin editio vulgate) St Jerome: 382 — I Corinthians 13.11.
†2 The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769—I Corinthians 13.11.

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