

How to use this website

This website is an explanatory text on Git, GitHub and version control using the Brackets text editor.

The site is divided into the following sections:

Section Name Purpose
1 Introduction This section, an introduction to the website and what it’s for
2 Git, the concept How the Git and GitHub version control system works and the best practice for using it
3 Installing Git and other packages An explanation of how to get and install Git, the other packages you need and how to set it all up
4 GitHub and linking it to a local machine Setting up a GitHub account and how to use the SSH protocol to link it to a local machine
5 Using Git and GitHub from within Brackets An introduction to using Git and GitHub from within the Brackets text editor environment
6 Git and Brackets:
A worked example
A fully worked example demonstrating all the aspects of using Git through Brackets with a local repository
7 Regression with Brackets How to recover information from earlier stages of a project
8 Brackets and remote repositories Using Brackets to control and work with both local and remote repositories
9 GitHub Using GitHub, the online version of Git, to manage remote repositories
10 Collaborative working Working in collaboration with others using GitHub
Appendices Appendices and references Defines common terms, references and an explanation of other aspects of Git and GitHub
Table 1.1   Document sections

The sections are designed to be read in order; however if you are familiar with Git and GitHub you can skip directly to section 5 to see how to implement a Git/GitHub interface directly from within Brackets.

Those not familiar with Git and GitHub and how it works should start at section 2. I explain there how the version control system works and the terminology used in Git and GitHub.

sections 3, 4 and 5 explain how to set up Git, GitHub and Brackets respectively. These sections contain very detailed step-by-step instructions with lots of pictures.

sections 6, 7 and 8 contain fully worked examples for developing a small website under Git version control and deploying it on a remote repository with Brackets and GitHub.

sections 9 and 10 give details of using GitHub (the online version of Git) by itself and how to work in collaboration with others.

The appendices contain other useful information:

  • A best practice for version numbering

  • A guide to markdown syntax

  • A guide to GitHub markdown syntax

  • Git Bash terminal and command line instructions summary

  • Understanding Git rebase

  • Handling multiple conflicts in both Brackets and GitHub

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